
Saturday, March 27, 2010

I love my mom and our conversations. I love hearing that she prays for me. I need so much prayer! Always:)

Having two children has put a strain on my marriage. Leif and I are learning how to work through this. Its difficult and sometimes I just want to give up. That'd be too easy. God's helping us and we're learning so much.


Moorea Seal said...

i'm praying for you my sweet friend. babies are so much work, it is hard trying to balance that effort you have to put into kids, house, and romantic/friendship/intimate relationship with the one you love. God needs to be in there too, commingling with every aspect as well. I'm praying. <3

Gerri said...

Hey Hon,
I'm praying you each continue to put God first and each other second. That is the key. Devin and I had a tough time and this is what has helped us. Much love to you.

Unknown said...

I just hopped onto your blog from another person's and i wanted to tell you you are beautiful! On the outside and especially on the inside. Blessings to you and your family!