
Thursday, April 29, 2010


I'm learning to step out and have faith. To be confident in my Father and His direction in my life.
I think I have been struggling with having confidence in myself because I wasn't putting faith in the one who I follow and depend on.

I'm thankful for the people God has placed in my life to encourage me and be reminders of His grace and love.

I can't begin to count the ways God has blessed my life.

I've been feeling challenged by God. He's been asking me to simply trust Him.  I am going to.


Seattle Kim D said...

I know it can be hard at times, but remember He is in control and everything is going to work out according to plan (it just sometimes works in ways other than your personal plans, as I've learned all too well these past few months). Hang in there! :)

Gerri said...

That's the only way. Trust Him and be lead by Him. ;)

Misstarii said...

Sometimes I have to remind myself the same thing, to have faith in the one that guides my life, to have Faith in God

Marlyn Patrick said...

This is very inspiring I just started a blog very new at this.

yasser said...

omniscient god
god knows what we will face

Andy D. said...

Not a single vote for human Independence? What good is free will if you don't exercise it to its fullest? Interesting blog!
